
Join for a ceremonial ribbon cutting at Snook's at 6pm sharp. This is FREE and open to the public. Enjoy appetizers starting at 5:30pm from the 2 restaurants that were in the Historic District when Snook's came to town in 1985. Hop Sing and Pizzeria Classico.

Anyone who would like to attend the LIVE Benefit Concert must pre-purchase tickets.  CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE TICKETS

The band CC Seger takes the stage at 7pm! There will be raffle prizes as well as short and sweet Snook stories while the band takes a break. The ticket price includes a Snook's sweet treat and a beverage. Check out the awesome raffle items!! The Snook Family is donating all concert proceeds to the restoration of the Historic Train Depot freight room. The newly restored room will be called the Peter T Lewis Green Room and it will be available for bands and groups who perform on stage at the Zittel Amphitheater. It will also be the new home for the Folsom Historic District Association.

Park free at the garage adjacent to the amphitheater at 905 Leidesdorff St. Ride the FREE shuttle from RT lots and garage to Snooks. Download the free App - Historic Folsom Shuttle. Try it!

Chairs will be provided. Please do not bring a lawn chair to this event.

The band begins at 7pm - the amphitheater opens to ticket holders at 6:15pm. Chairs are pre-set and seating is first come, first served with pre-purchased ticket. Entry will take place on the side of the amphitheater near the train.

We love pets, but service animals only for this event.

For more band info, check out CC Seger is a highly acclaimed Creedence Clearwater and Bob Seger tribute band

The Snook Family invites you to CELEBRATE Good TIMES! Come ON!


Folsom Historic District

702 Sutter Street, Suite C, Folsom, CA 95630
Sep 15, 2023
5:30 PM PDT to 10:00 PM PDT
RSVP Required